I started a post yesterday, but didn't get a chance to finish. Thought I saved it, but it's lost in cyberspace.
I haven't blogged for a year on this blog. I was caught up in some work that sapped my spirit. I lost track of so much including spiritual disciplines, my health, my diet and exercise regimen. My life really was not doing well and the funny thing is that I wasn't aware of any of this. Things just slipped away until I hit the wall. I quit my job last month and had to regroup.
This is the amazing God part. I threw myself back into my faith, which is not to say that my fear just disappeared. I was scared and depressed and doubting and feeling lost, but God was there.
I started a short-term position working at Geneva Center in Wabash Valley Presbytery. I started that job the day my pay ran out from my severance deal. I had been speaking to a minister about doing some pulpit supply and he turned me on to the the job of a lifetime.
In August I start working with two churches in South Bend that are struggling. The cool part is that I don't have to worry about revitalizing them! What I have to do is look at their communities and figure out how they can better serve people. What an awesome job. It's amazing how these two churches are invested with the same vision and desire to serve God in this kind of ministry. I am so honored to be a part of it.
There are Presbyterian hoops to jump, but I am assured that it will happen. I will keep blogging, but I think I'm going to change the name of the blog 'cause I have found a call.