Since coming to Michigan I have been blessed with a variety of experiences. I've done a little therapy and looked into starting another private practice. I got to birth a contemporary service/worshiping community. I got to direct a summer camp...twice. I got to create and do a community ministry. And now I'm leading worship as well as substitute teaching. This variety is a blessing and expands me as a person (if not my bank account).
I was struck by a tweet I read last week. If we are focused on the life we want but don't have, we miss out on what we do have. All too often I bemoan the fact that I don't have a more permanent call. I surely worry and complain about not having a larger income. I want an iPad and a new car. There is a lot I lack and, truth be told, I can fall into that trap of coveting those things that I think will make me complete. My experience is that it's more than a trap-it's a black hole. Once we start down that path of regret and longing it's hard not to get sucked further and further into depressing self-pity.
It is so easy to neglect the life I do have. Because they're always around it's easy to give short shrift to my wife and son (plus the other kids), not to mention my dog. What a blessing to have these people in my life. I have to remind myself that I'm lucky to have substituting jobs-some people have no work and no income. In spite of not having a more solid call to a church, I have had some wonderful experiences doing "alternative" church work. I met and worked with some awesome people in all of these adventures. This life I have is pretty great.
When we're in a less than optimal circumstance we discover things about ourselves. We are more open and searching for that "still, small voice". We identify gifts and strengths that surprise us when we are outside our comfort zone. Furthermore, we discover different perspectives on life and gain an appreciation for people with whom we might never interact. These discoveries make us better people. These discoveries help us better serve God and others.