Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to do it?

I am preaching this coming Sunday on the sending of the 70-they went door to door telling people about the gospel message. I think telling people is the real thrust of the Great Commission and God's call to all Christians. That being said, how does one do that in a secular world? I find myself in a position where that is doubly difficult.

The easiest answer to the question is that we do it by how we live our lives. That is true, but... That seems like the complete easy way. Also, if we are just giving an example without explanation then a big part is lost. It's good to be a good person, but if there's no explanation the why is missing. I think it's in our verbal witness that the why emerges. The Apostle Paul always points back to Christ and his sacrifice. Our good behavior should also point back to that rationale.

So, I find myself in a situation where I don't have the freedom to discuss faith. What's a guy to do?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

how long, o Lord?

I can really relate to those Israelites and how they bitched to Moses. How long, God? I know you're there and I can feel your presence, but I just wish you would speak up. I don't feel lead or pushed, just sort of wandering in the wilderness.

I tried to put a cross up in my office and was advised to remove it....government agency, don't want to prosthletize (sp) clients. I understand, but I still don't feel right about it. Didn't Jesus say something about denying him on earth and being denied in heaven? I don't know, but I'm still feeling weird about it. I also had to inform/ask for permission to fill pulpits. I did that to adhere to the policies and procedures, but if I'm denied or questioned I have decided that I'm going to quit.

One thing that has come of this time has been to affirm my desire to return to church work. I don't really want to do associate work and I don't really want to travel too awfully far, but I feel called to that. I suppose it's that sense of call, the idea that God could be right around the corner, that keeps me wandering. I suppose it was that sense that kept the Israelites wandering.

The change in occupation has certainly caused me to rethink my spiritual disciplines. I continue with daily prayer and following the lectionary, but those practices are not as fulfilling as they once were. I really miss my Bible study and my friend Richard. Both those activities pushed my faith. With that in mind, it seems that I need to be more intentional about my disciplines.

Monday, June 21, 2010

the job and the world

I think the last I wrote was that I have a job. I'm back doing therapy, which will keep the wolves from the door. This is being a huge change for me. When I was serving the church I was obsessed-thinking 'bout folks all the time, praying for them, intimately involved in their lives. And then there was prep for Sunday morning. Being a called clergy is utterly consuming.

This job isn't so. I work 9-5 (No evenings! Can you believe it?) and that's it. There's someone else to take on call. I can just shut it off. It is really awesome to have a weekend to relax.

On the other side of the coin, this position is completely atheistic which is to say that there is no place for Christ without equal billing for Y***** or Allah or Buddah. So, I feel like there's no place for the sacred. Might just be me, but it feels like somethings missing and I wonder how long I'll feel this way-if it's just an aftereffect of being a clergy for so many years.

I am also disturbed by what I interpret as a mishandling of cases. We are assigned an enormous number of cases and I have trouble seeing how there can be quality treatment. I know there is a huge demand for service and we are meeting a need, but... I don't know. I need to think about this. Also, I speak as if I have so much knowledge when in reality I just started.

I don't know where God is in all this mishmash. My wife seems to think that God has me here for a season to rest from being clergy. That might well be true as I am gaining appreciation for how hard I worked! I feel God's absence strongly, though, and I don't know what to do to correct that. This is a struggle.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

a job, a job

Ok, it's been a whirlwind, but I had a second interview friday last week. Then I got a call Fri. afternoon offering me the job. Wow! Going back to doing social work, not my first choice, but it's a job and pays the bills while I look for a call.

I do have some pulpit supply gigs, but not real action on a call. I suppose I shouldn't be suprised, but I keep looking.

With income I feel a lot more free to be choosy about the call I would accept. With income I am also more willing to consider a church plant or new church development. I feel like I don't have the connections here yet to do a plant. I don't know people who are disaffected or uninvolved with a church to get together. I think if I knew one or two people I could do this, but the problem is meeting them.

There are plenty of places where a group could meet. I can preach, but still need a musician as my guitar isn't progressing as quickly as I hoped.

Perhaps this is God at work, providing a little income so I can slow my roll enough to look at other options. I miss having my support group to bounce ideas off. I miss people a lot more than I thought I would.