Like most folks, we had a wonderful worship last night.
Of course, there was a great bunch of people who were visiting from out of town and the group of folks who are occasional attendees, but the best encounter I had was with a woman who is 103 years old. This centenarian made a point to approach me after the service. "I've never been to a contemporary service," she said, "but I loved it! I'm coming back." What a wonderful encounter.
Even though it would be great to add her as a Bridge regular, the most fulfilling element is that somehow, some way God used our worship to touch someone. All too easily pride and ego intrude in our service to God so that it becomes service of the self. Our joy needs to be found in the God's redemptive use of us, broken vessels that we are. Humility need be the foundation of true service, but enough preaching.
I hope and pray that I have been directed to a situation in which I can use my gifts to please God. Actually, any situation we are in is an opportunity to use our gifts to please God. As we enter into the year ahead I pray that we all look at how we can use our gifts where we are and focus on being the presence of God here rather than how much better it could be someplace else.