Friday, July 29, 2011

New stuff

I am just amazed how God seems to be working in my life.  I've had a wonderful week off and got the chance to spend a lot of time with Ross and Fran.  This has  been good for us and I have had a chance to think about the ministry that confronts me.

There were some issues this week as the Worship Committee considered the extension of the contemporary service.  I don't know if it was my anxiety, but it seemed as if the usual Presbyterian hoops were higher and harder to pass through.  Be that as it may, the session of Niles 1st is considering my employment to lead that service.  This is good news, but I don't want to count on anything until after their meeting on the 16th.

I am getting more and more excited about the ministry in South Bend.  I am really looking forward to beginning that process.  I have started to get some ideas as well.  I preach this Sunday at SB Memorial and Monday is my start day with the ministry.  I am thinking that I need to start a new blog.  I am also thinking that I need to some way record my experiences (book material?).  I just don't know how to do that.  No, I know how, but my past attempts at journaling have not been successful.  So, I have some things to do.  Pray for me and I will pass on the title of my new blog.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I will be praying for you as the shape of your new Blog will be made manifest and clearer.

    Grace and peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,
    Tim Shaw
    Niles, Michigan
